Sunday, January 15, 2017

January is Upon Us!

This post is a little bit late, but January seems to be whipping by quickly, doesn’t it? I can hardly believe we are already half-way through the first month of 2017!

As most of you know, we are using the study book, “He Is My All…” by Debbie Alsdorf. You can find out where to purchase it by clicking on the Study Schedule Tab at the top of the Blog.

Our study is a bit relaxed this time, we are going to take our time going through this book. In looking at the chapters it appears that each Lesson contains five days of study, each day contains its own set of questions…so we are going to reflect that in our time together.

For example, Monday night (January 16) we will be starting off with Lesson 1 / Day One. Then the next time we meet we will study Lesson 1 / Day Two…and so on. This will allow us time to really dig into God’s word, and allow Him to speak to us on His time, not ours.

I also wanted to let you know that we are no longer meeting on Wednesday afternoons. When we get more women attending it might be something we return to doing, but for now, our meetings will solely be on Monday nights at 8 pm.

I am so looking forward to what God has in store for us for 2017!

Please keep Authentic Living Ministries in prayer, and continue to invite the women you know to join us.

Blessings, Kathy

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