Monday, October 5, 2015

Oct 5th Small Group News!

Tonight's Small Group will focus on "The Woman Who Lived a Sinful Life"

She was a notorious sinner, possibly a prostitute or adultress. Rather than trying to defend what was indefensible in her life, she admitted her sin and made a spectacle of herself in a passionate display of love and gratitude.

Her story can be found in Luke:36-50

Our questions for the night are:
  1. What do you think the woman was looking for when she came to see Jesus at Simon's house? Do you think everyone at the dinner knew who and what she was?
  2. In what ways can you be understanding and sympathetic toward those whose lives have been shattered by sin, like this woman? Toward those whose lives are characterized by judging others like the Pharisee? Who needs forgiveness more?
  3. How willing are you to be totally transparent in your worship? What would need to happen to make you as open in expressing your love for Jesus as this woman was?

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