Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nov 30th Small Group News!

Happy Post-Thanksgiving Ladies & welcome back to another night of Small Group!

Tonight's guest is 'The Widow with Two Coins'.

Though extremely poor, she is one of the most great-hearted people in the Bible. Just after warning his disciples to watch out for teachers of the law, who devour widow's houses, Jesus caught sight of her in the temple. He may have called attention to her as a case in point.

Her story can be found in Mark 12:41-44  |  Luke 21:1-4

Our questions for the night are...
  1. Why would Jesus watch people putting money into the offering? What do you think he was looking for?
  2. What did Jesus see about the woman that others in the crowd missed? What might Jesus see about you that others around you might miss?
  3. What was significant about the widow's offering? Why do you think Jesus pointed the widow's offering out to his disciples? What did he want them to think, to understand?
  4. How does the widow's offering compare to the offering Jesus was about to make? What was similar about it? What was different?

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