Sunday, October 25, 2015

Oct 26th Small Group News!

Join us on Monday, October 26 at 8 PM as we study the life of Joanna.

A woman of high rank in Herod's court, she experienced healing at Jesus' hands. She responded by giving herself totally, supporting his ministry and following him wherever he went. The story of her healing may have been known to Herod himself.

You can find her story in Luke 8:1-3; 24:10
(and Matthew 14:1-12 and Luke 23:7-12 for background on Herod and his court)

Our questions for the night are:
  1. What does it say about Jesus that women traveled with him and his disciples, and that the women were paying the bills? (Luke 8:1 – 3)
  2. What does it say about Joanna that she was doing this?
  3. What do you think surprised and frightened Joanna and the other women at the tomb (Luke 24:5)?
  4. What do you admire about Joanna? How would you like to be like her?

Food for Thought:

Read Luke 23:55 – 24:12
  • Jesus’ male disciples were hiding for fear that they, too, would be arrested. Why do you suppose Joanna and the other women risked being associated with a man who had been executed for treason?

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  • JOIN SMALL GROUP by going to the Join Small Group tab and follow the instructions found there.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Oct 19th Small Group News!

Welcome to another beautiful Monday!

Please join us tonight at 8 pm for our weekly Small Group meeting!

Tonight we will be discussing Herodias, who was a proud woman who used her daughter to manipulate her husband into doing her will.  She acted arrogantly, from beginning to end, in complete disregard for the laws of the land.

Her story can be found in Matthew 14:3-12 | Mark 6:14-29 | Luke 3:19-20; 9:7-9

Our questions for the night are these...

  1. Have you ever plotted, like Herodias, to get your own way? How does that make you feel about yourself?  Are you pleased when you get your own way, or is the result less than satisfying?
  2. John confronted Herod with his sin.  When someone confronts you with something that is wrong in your life, how do you respond?
  3. When have you done something you later wished you hadn't simply because of the pressure of those around you to do it?  What would have been a better response?

Food for Thought:

Note the different responses to John record in verses 19 and 20 (Mark 6).  Which response is more like yours when confronted with sin?  Are you like Herodias - sulking and wanting to get even with those who reveal your sin or failings? Or are you like Herod - willing to listen, curious about what the other person has to say?  Please explain.

If you’re reading this on the Blog and not in your email box, and would like to join Small Group, follow these instructions…
  • REGISTER your email to get Small Group updates!  Look to the top right of the Blog, put your email in, and don’t forget to ‘activate’ your registration through the link that will be emailed to you by Feedburner.
  • JOIN SMALL GROUP by going to the Join Small Group tab and follow the instructions found there.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Oct 12th Small Group News!

Happy Monday Ladies!

Tonight's guest is "The Woman with an Issue of Blood".  Her story can be found in 3 of the Gospels - Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48

Desperate for healing, she ignored the conventions of the day just for the chance to touch Jesus.

Our questions for the night are:
  1. How do you think Jesus knew someone had touched him? Obviously, the touch of this woman was different from the other touches by those around him. What made it different?
  2. Why do you think this woman was afraid to admit she was the one in the crowd who had touched Jesus and been healed? (5:33)
  3. Think of a time when something very special or miraculous happened to you. Were you eager or hesitant to share it with others? Why?

Food for Thought:

This woman had tried everything in order to be healed. When Jesus came to her village, she knew she had another option. How often do you try every other option to solve a problem before turning to God? Is he often a last resort? What would be a better way?

    If you are receiving this in your email box, please feel free to head back to the Blog to answer the "Food for Thought" questions in the comments under this week's post.
    If you are already here I would love to hear what you think!

    Blessings, Kathy

    If you’re reading this on the Blog and not in your email box, and would like to join Small Group, follow these instructions…
    • REGISTER your email to get Small Group updates!  Look to the top right of the Blog, put your email in, and don’t forget to ‘activate’ your registration through the link that will be emailed to you by Feedburner.
    • JOIN SMALL GROUP by going to the Join Small Group tab and follow the instructions found there.

    Monday, October 5, 2015

    Oct 5th Small Group News!

    Tonight's Small Group will focus on "The Woman Who Lived a Sinful Life"

    She was a notorious sinner, possibly a prostitute or adultress. Rather than trying to defend what was indefensible in her life, she admitted her sin and made a spectacle of herself in a passionate display of love and gratitude.

    Her story can be found in Luke:36-50

    Our questions for the night are:
    1. What do you think the woman was looking for when she came to see Jesus at Simon's house? Do you think everyone at the dinner knew who and what she was?
    2. In what ways can you be understanding and sympathetic toward those whose lives have been shattered by sin, like this woman? Toward those whose lives are characterized by judging others like the Pharisee? Who needs forgiveness more?
    3. How willing are you to be totally transparent in your worship? What would need to happen to make you as open in expressing your love for Jesus as this woman was?

    If you’re reading this on the Blog and not in your email box, and would like to join Small Group, follow these instructions…
    • REGISTER your email to get Small Group updates!  Look to the top right of the Blog, put your email in, and don’t forget to ‘activate’ your registration through the link that will be emailed to you by Feedburner.
    • JOIN SMALL GROUP by going to the Join Small Group tab and follow the instructions found there.