Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10 - Small Group News!

Happy Monday Ladies!  

So glad to have you join me tonight at 8 PM for another study on the Women of the Bible.  Tonight's guest will be Gomer.

Though a married woman, she carried on numerous love affairs, crediting her lovers for the gifts her husband had given her. She became the symbol of spiritual adultery — a picture of Israel’s unfaithfulness to God. And yet, despite her unfaithfulness, her husband continued to love her, much like God does with His people.  Her story can be found in Hosea 1 – 3.
The questions we will be studying tonight are:
  1. In what ways does Hosea 2:2 – 7 reflect Hosea’s feelings about Gomer? In what ways do these verses reflect God’s feelings about his people? 
  2. Why is adultery a fitting symbol for the way humans treat God? 
  3. In Hosea 3:2, Hosea has to pay money and goods to buy Gomer back from whatever situation she’s landed herself in. She has apparently run off and ended up selling herself into prostitution to survive. What would it take for a man to do what Hosea does in 3:1 – 3? 
  4. How are you like Gomer? How has God pursued you and bought you back?

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